If you are thinking about resources what to buy or not!I was crazy confused until I actually started teaching. I am glad I waited.
Here are some of the most important resources/tips if you are teaching online this academic year.
Multiple devices
As I started teaching online with every passing day I would discover something new. In the initial few days I learnt it can get tricky when presenting the screen as I can't see my students while doing so. I then discovered that having a dual monitor setup is a good option. I highly suggest you try it ! So you ahve two screens which act as one computer. You can use one device to present and the other to see your students. Its also functional when using apps like Jam-board or Seesaw. I can draw and instruct on these apps using my iPad while observing my students on the laptop.
White board and Markers
It would be very useful to have a white board and marker handy. Its definitely my best friend as it can be used in multiple ways. Initially I thought having an Apple iPad and a pencil was good enough to start teaching daily lessons until I realized with network and other technical issues, a whiteboard is most efficient to use. It is THE most important resource one must invest in.
Chits with student names
This is a strategy I use for most of my lessons. You will realize every time you ask a question, every student wants to be the first to answer. It becomes more competitive with parents around as you will notice many parents pushing their child to speak. It creates chaos and you get chorus answers. Though you manage to get students back to the mute position, time is wasted and the flow of the lesson is lost.
External Speaker and Headset
I recently purchased a new laptop as my old device had a few keyboard issues. With the pandemic situation, I wasn't sure if I could get it fixed in time for school. While presenting the screen , I was told my students couldn't hear me but were only able to see the videos I was presenting. I then realized that my laptop speaker did not support the same. I was then advised that most of the latest models do not support a good microphone. So I attached a speaker and a headset like in the picture below. Now my students can hear and see the videos I am presenting. They are audible and clear.
So for those of you who think that there is something wrong with your device, let me tell you its a common issue with most of the latest models. Having a external speaker and headset will definitely resolve the issue permanently.
Stationary Items
With virtual teaching, I prepare all of my resources online. After I'm done teaching a particular lesson its nice to have a reflection. If its a read aloud or a topic in theme, I like to upload a mind-map or similar for reference purpose. Having basic stationary handy is useful. Highlighters, crayons, thin markers, and A4 sheets is what I use to prepare the same. I click a picture after and have it uploaded for parents and students to refer to later.
I hope you find this article useful! Let me know below if you have any queries.