Pandemic, COVID , vaccines, hospitals, numbers - Phew! Feels like it has been going on forever! Most conversations seem to revolve around lock-downs.
I can’t help but try to make sense of this situation through the lens of people focusing on environmental benefits. At the same time one can’t ignore that most people have been confined to the four walls of their home for a little more than a year. This pandemic has been a roller coaster of emotions and feelings for many! From anxiety to laziness to lack of motivation has gripped the nation.
Hence, I personally feel setting goals is very important for every individual as,
- it keeps you motivated,
- helps you to keep going so that you can make the most of everyday,
- you have something to look forward to in the year or in the near future,
- it helps you to prioritize your tasks to achieve your target,
Thus, improving your mental health and overall well being.
Everyone has wishes, desires and wants but are constantly finding excuses to not having achieved them. Reasons differ from not having enough time to having a plethora of work tasks to complete, obligations at home to not having the right support system, or plain laziness!
Have you ever wondered why some people are very successful in life! Successful people are goal-oriented! They identify the things they want to achieve, they are clear on the path they wish to take, and they keep working towards it until they have reached their destination.
It's crucial for us to leave all excuses behind, ignore the situation for a bit though its difficult and bring our focus back on achieving our dreams. Here are 3 areas one must most concentrate on amongst others,
Practical Goals - I want to travel 10 cities in the next 6 months maybe practical for some but not for all. Some may get the opportunity for the kind of work they are into while others may be financially healthy. Things you want in life must be realistic to your circumstance and background, only then will it be attainable.
Specific Goals - Making a list of too many things may not be a wise decision. Jot it down somewhere and commit to it. You need to have a step-wise action plan and you must be able to visualize yourself achieving them. You must have clear and well-defined goals so that the chances of accomplishing them are greater.
Time Based Goals - Set a tentative time frame but make sure they are realistic. Example: I wish to lose 5 kg in 3 months. Its a target that’s doable in the set time period. Unrealistic time periods will not only demotivate you in the end but also lead to lack of interest. The thought of 'Impossible' will only lead you to where you are at the moment. Also be open to adjusting your plan if you feel the progress has been slow due to other factors.
Tip: Weekly goals can do wonders to your body, mind, soul and bring inner peace. One must try them!
Here's a VIDEO I shared recently where you may find a few things of your interest to help you to get started.
I hope the above information provides a required baseline to appraise where you are and what must be your next step! All the best!
Whole Life is setting of GOAL's only, I believe? HA--Ha--Ha----------
I have gone through your script's above and find it interesting, not only for me but to many who believe in these matters, so to say.
It definitely keeps one motivated and inspired.
Keep with such wonderfull ideas, people will love it.
BEST wishes and Luck for you.
I feel motivated after reading your blog.. Thankyou for sharing ❤️